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报告时间 2024年7月22日(星期一)早上9:00-12:00 报告地点 腾讯会议ID:716-384-616
报告人 李光莲


报告题目:Wavelet-based Edge Multiscale Finite Element Methods for Singularly Perturbed Convection-Diffusion Equations

报告人:李光莲 助理教授 香港大学




报告人简介:李光莲,2015年毕业于美国德州农工大学,获数学博士学位。2015至2019年作为博士后先后在德国波恩大学和英国帝国理工大学工作。2019年至2020年在荷兰格罗宁根大学工作,担任助理教授。2020年至今在香港大学数学系工作,任助理教授。主要从事多尺度建模与分析、不确定性量化、高维近似等研究及其在实际问题中的应用,已在SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis、SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation、Inverse Problems、Journal of Computational Physics等国际一流学术期刊上发表了近三十篇论文,目前是Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics的副主编。

报告摘要:We propose a novel efficient and robust Wavelet-based Edge Multiscale Finite Element Method (WEMsFEM) to solve the singularly perturbed convection diffusion equations. The main idea is to first establish a local splitting of the solution over a local region by a local bubble part and local Harmonic extension part, and then derive a global splitting by means of Partition of Unity. This facilitates a representation of the solution as a summation of a global bubble part and a global Harmonic extension part, where the first part can be computed locally in parallel. To approximate the second part, we construct an edge multiscale ansatz space locally with hierarchical bases as the local boundary data that has a guaranteed approximation rate without higher regularity requirement on the solution. The key innovation of this proposed WEMsFEM lies in a provable convergence rate with little restriction on the mesh size or the regularity of the solution. Its convergence rate with respect to the computational degree of freedom is rigorously analyzed, which is verified by extensive 2-d and 3-d numerical tests. This is a joint work with Eric Chung (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China) and Shubin Fu (Eastern Institute of Technology, China).


上一篇:报告题目1:Bluff body shapes and roughness in the vortex induced vibration energy harvesting 报告题目2:Mode conversion mechanism in the vortex induced vibration energy harvesting

下一篇:A coupled multi-physics model and a decoupled stabilized finite element method for closed-loop geothermal system
